Saturday, November 29, 2014

Monty Calling is India Listening

India is one of the largest and the most popular democracies in the world. In a democracy the people have the right to speech and expression whereby they can speak freely about their views and opinions. It is these opinions that shape our society .Most of us believe that there are ills in our society that need to be addressed. Sometimes we need to bring it to the notice of higher government agencies and authorities. It could be about a corrupt cop who takes bribe or an errant official . Why just point fingers at those who are in public service. It could also be about unacceptable behavior of individuals who disrupt our peace by continuously honking or playing loud music in the middle of night. There are so many instance and examples of situations where we need to express our opinion and do our part to clean up our society of such ills.
Many a times we find ourselves in situations where we want to express our opinions about the ills in our society and take a stand. However we receive opposition or the Chalta Hai attitude. Where breaking or not following the rules or lack of sensitivity is becoming the norm. It is very important that we take a stand and make our voice heard. Strepsils India has started a campaign #AbMontuBolega through the website This can also be joined and followed on their Facebook and twitter So that our voices are not drowned in a crowd of opposition. In fact by being a part of this campaign and voicing our opinion we are only playing our part in cleaning up our nation.

The Process of cleaning up starts when we visit and post our opinion about an issue that plagues our society I for one want to raise my voice in support of totally avoiding drinking and driving . If I were to talk about it in my peer group of friends who indulge in drinking and driving then it would have a limited effect. They may agree to follow my advice or completely ignore it. Moreover my options would be confined to just that room. Instead when I post my opinion on it would be read by a larger audience and sharing my thoughts on Facebook and twitter will increase my audience many fold. This way I will contribute in support of my cause. When these post,view and images are viewed and shared by others who support the issue ,a dialog is started and a conversation begins that would create opinion and help the offenders of rules rectify their behavior. This way one person’s opinion can bring about a change in the society at large. It can help in making the society cleaner and more receptive to following rules and indulging in correct behavior and practices.
 #AbMontuBolega is a campaign organised by Strepsils India through the website that lets individuals raise their voice and opinions about matters that concern us ,our society and country. It is akin to giving us a megaphone to make our voice heard
Join Montu Now
 Facebook  twitter 

For a Cleaner India Speak up and join Montu

India is one of the largest and the most popular democracies in the world. In a democracy the people have the right to speech and expression whereby they can speak freely about their views and opinions. It is these opinions that shape our society .Most of us believe that there are ills in our society that need to be addressed. Sometimes we need to bring it to the notice of higher government agencies and authorities. It could be about a corrupt cop who takes bribe or an errant official . Why just point fingers at those who are in public service. It could also be about unacceptable behavior of individuals who disrupt our peace by continuously honking or playing loud music in the middle of night. There are so many instance and examples of situations where we need to express our opinion and do our part to clean up our society of such ills.
Many a times we find ourselves in situations where we want to express our opinions about the ills in our society and take a stand. However we receive opposition or the Chalta Hai attitude. Where breaking or not following the rules or lack of sensitivity is becoming the norm. It is very important that we take a stand and make our voice heard. Strepsils India has started a campaign #AbMontuBolega through the website This can also be joined and followed on their Facebook and twitter So that our voices are not drowned in a crowd of opposition. In fact by being a part of this campaign and voicing our opinion we are only playing our part in cleaning up our nation.

The Process of cleaning up starts when we visit and post our opinion about an issue that plagues our society I for one want to raise my voice in support of totally avoiding drinking and driving . If I were to talk about it in my peer group of friends who indulge in drinking and driving then it would have a limited effect. They may agree to follow my advice or completely ignore it. Moreover my options would be confined to just that room. Instead when I post my opinion on it would be read by a larger audience and sharing my thoughts on Facebook and twitter will increase my audience many fold. This way I will contribute in support of my cause. When these post,view and images are viewed and shared by others who support the issue ,a dialog is started and a conversation begins that would create opinion and help the offenders of rules rectify their behavior. This way one person’s opinion can bring about a change in the society at large. It can help in making the society cleaner and more receptive to following rules and indulging in correct behavior and practices.
 #AbMontuBolega is a campaign organised by Strepsils India through the website that lets individuals raise their voice and opinions about matters that concern us ,our society and country. It is akin to giving us a megaphone to make our voice heard  Facebook  twitter

Monday, November 24, 2014

Lucky 6 The gamechanger

Game of chance and Luck involve a bit of luck to win. Lucky 6 is a game from
It offers tremendous gaming opportunity to the players.

Games are of two types outdoor and indoor .For outdoor games you have to be a sporty type where as there is no such criterion for indoor games.
Chess was invented in india this shows how much gaming temperament Indians have.
  India is a very big nation with a huge population The people are involved in playing numerous kind of games which includes lottery and other games of chance.
This involve buying of tickets and spending money.Now with the advent of Lucky 6   from numerous people would be playing this game because first of all it does not involve any cost as there are no charges for playing this game.
The only condition is that you have to have a mobile phone/device. The player has to use the game app on the phone. Since technology has much advanced .Nearly each and every person has a mobile phone.
The word Lucky 6 is itself very inviting and everyone wants to reap the benefits of Lady luck . Playing the game is very easy. The player has to first register ,confirm the email link and then login to play.
The game itself involves picking six Brands out of a bunch of popular and well-known brands .Then on the specified game day if your brands stock witnesses the maximum appreciation and rise then you win.
The biggest attraction is that while the player enjoys playing the game , at the same time he or she can win some prizes that range from cool cash to expensive Vacation Packages.
To up the excitement factor the player can challenge his friends and enjoy the competition

He can refer friends and when they join the game with his referral.and when that friend wins a game the referring friend also gets a prize.
Since this International game is just being launched in India the people are going to have the first mover advantage. What that means in the game terms is that those who join early will get more time to play the game and refer more people. As currently very few people know about this game, more the people referred means more people joining with your referral information. So one is only multiplying the chances of winning by referring others.
Another advantage of a large number of people joining and playing the game is that this enhanced database of game users would enhance the enterprise value of the game brand and so more money and higher prizes will become available for the players.

  To play the game visit and install the game app.

The app interface looks like this

The first step involves downloading and  registering so that when you win the game the organizers know to whom to give the prize. You would need to enter your email, nickname, referrer and a passcode. 
 Next check the email with which you registered and follow the instructions to confirm user account

To play the game one has to login 
using : Email and Passcode.

Post login the screen gives you the option to play Lucky 6. Click on the lucky 6 icon to proceed

The menu will show a long list of brands. Your job is to pick six brands . On game play day if the stocks of the brands you picked up rise the maximum then you win.

All images have been taken from and the fatcat.apk app snapshots have been used to create some of the images.


Saturday, November 22, 2014

3X Immunity Booster Dabur Chyawanprash:an insurance of happiness for the entire household

An important part of parenting is growing up our selves. When our children laugh the parents smile and when they cry the parents become sad. However there is no element of surprise in this as parents see their children as extensions to their own childhood. So a grumpy, sick or crying child immediately changes the mood of the whole household from calm complacent and happy to worried, tense and unhappy. A household’s mood is a reflection of a child’s health.
Children are the lifeline of any family. They are the budding blossoms who spread their fragrance and are a cause of great pride to all. The moment a child is born our life as a parent begins.  Our lives are completely transformed. Our attention is all the time focused on the child and its activities.
With the advent of a child there is great change in the pattern of a parent’s life. Even a tiny movement catches the attention of the parents. Parents are always keenly observing as to when the child would utter the first word or walk the first step.
This is just the beginning .Just as we are concerned to provide the best diet to our child in infancy this need becomes multiplied as the child grows . With a growing body his or her needs for a nutritious diet also increases. However in the growing years just a nutritious diet is not enough. Their growing bodies and minds need something to boost their immunity and protect our loved ones from falling prey to diseases.
When the child begins to go to school he or she is exposed to various disease causing organisms, virus and bacteria. Not only this he also faces stiff competition in the field of academics ,sports and other curricular activities.  Parents are always worried about providing a healthy diet to their young ones. The children are a fussy lot and often refuse to eat what is healthy for them. The parents have to device ways by which they can give them a diet which is healthy, nutritious and tasty.
Once a child starts going to school the parents lose control over what they are eating or whom they are associating with. The parents take great care in deciding what a child should eat which according to them is healthy and good for the child but they forget that when a child leaves home and mixes with numerous other children who may be carrying an infection then the parents need to boost up the immune system of their children so that they do not fall pray easily to disease.
 A home resounding with the laughter of children is always a happy home but when the same child becomes ill the whole atmosphere becomes charged with worry and tension causing immense worry and pain to the parents to see their loved little ones in agony and suffering. It is therefore very necessary that the parents include Dabur Chyawanprash in their child’s daily diet. The advantage is that it contains more the forty natural helalth boosting ingredients  like Amla that  is one of the best antioxidants. Giloy (Guduchi): which has immuno-modulatory properties. The combined effect of these ingredients in  Dabur Chyawanprash makes it a vital immunity booster that enhances the immunity three times providing protection to the child. The biggest advantage of Dabur  Chyawanprash is that it is very tasty in itself. It can also be added to milk. Added to milkshakes or spread on the bread.
To sum up we can say if we want a home to be happy then the child should be healthy. Now this is possible with the help of three times immunity booster Dabur Chyawanprash. Which is like an insurance of happiness for the entire household?

Friday, November 21, 2014 #IndiHappyHours Happy Hours Everyone Wins

Is blogging profitable, Will anyone read my post ,will anyone follow my post . So many questions that cross the mind of a blogger or a would be blogger.
Name ,fame ,money, connecting with like minded people. Different bloggers and would be bloggers have different aspirations . is that platform that brings all such people on a common platform. They hold meetups, events , contests awareness drives and so much more . created and managed by ScissorPaperStones. is an online social network of Indian blogs and bloggers of Indian origin, supported by offline events that are conducted across India in association with various sponsors

What are Indi-Happy Hours ?

Happy Hours are campaigns where you write about a topic and you get rewarded with a voucher within 24 hours or less.
Every valid entry for a Happy Hour campaign gets rewarded with a voucher, as long as there are vouchers remaining.
Vouchers are dispatched during Happy Hours (04 PM – 06 PM) on all days of the week.
Each campaign’s topic may have specific submission requirements your entry must fulfill to be valid.
You can submit a maximum of one entry per campaign.
Write now to get your first Happy Hour voucher!

The post is inspired from
and reading about happy hours on

Women's Right That Every Women Has

Right To Free Legal Aid:
When a women goes to police to get her statement recorded,without a lawyer she can be misquoted.
According to Delhi High Court ruling Whenever a rape case is reported the SHO has to inform the legal Services Authority. The legal body then arranges for a lawyer for the victim,”
The presence of Lawyer would ensure that the police takes the case seriously and there is no misinterpretation of information.
Right to Privacy while recording statements:
Under sec 164 IPC a rape victim can record her statement in the presence of a district magistrate and no one else needs to be present there at that time.
Or A statement may be recorded in presence of only one police officer and a woman constable in a place that is not very crowded or no third person is present who may overhear the statement.

Time does not Matter
The police cannot refuse to record the statement because certain amount of time has elapsed.A rape victim can file the complaint after a gap of time.

An Email to Resque:
As per Delhi Police A women has the right to lodge an FIR via email.
The email must me sent to Deputy Commissioner or Commissioner of Police who would then direct the SHO of the area accordingly.

The Police cannot say No:
Supreme Court's zero FIR ruling  . "Sometimes, the police station under which the incident occurs refuses to register the victim's complaint in order to keep clear of responsibility, and tries sending the victim to another police station. In such a case a rape victim can lodge an FIR from any police station.

No arrest after Sunset:
 According to the Supreme Court Ruling No women can be arrested after sunset and before sunrise.
Only if a migistrate gives in writing then such an arrest can be made.

A women cannot Be called to Police Station:
Under sec 160 criminal procedure code.A women cannot be forced to come to police station for interrogation. aw provides Indian women the right of not being physically present at the police station for interrogation. However police can interrogate a woman at her residence in the presence of a woman constable and family members or friends

Protecting identity:
The identity of a rape victim cannot be revealed. Under sec 228-A IPC makes disclosure of a rape's victims identity a punishable offence.

Doctor Statement cannot be used to dismiss rape complaint:
If a doctor's statement negates the happening of rape the case cannot be dismissed.
A medical examination has to be performed to decide if rape happened under sec 164 A of Criminal Procedure Code.

Employers Role:
The employer must protect the harassment victim and take the complaint seriously.
It should create Sexual Harassment Complaints Committee within the organisation for redressal of such complaints

Information source

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Most common female body shapes

Most common female body shapes

The following are the four most common female body shapes:
Apple (triangle downward)
In Apple-shaped women have broader shoulders and bust, and narrower hips.
Banana, or straight (rectangular)
A Banana-shaped women's waist measurement is less than 9 inches smaller than the hip or bust measurement.
Pear, Spoon, or Bell (triangle upward)
A Pear-shaped women's hip measurements are greater than their bust measurements.
Hourglass Shape (triangles opposing, facing in)
Here, the hip and bust are almost of equal size, with a narrow waist.
A study of more than 6,000 women has revealed that 46% of women were banana-shaped; just over 20% were pear-shaped; just under 14% were apple-shaped; and only 8% were hourglass-shaped. The hourglass is normally accepted as the "ideal" female shape in Western countries.
According to a research  apple-shaped women have the highest risk of heart disease, while hourglass-shaped women have the lowest.Women with a waist measurement of over 80cm (32 inches) have a higher risk of heart disease due to body fat buildup around the waist, which poses a higher health risk than fat buildup at the hips.

Post inspired from

If any of these is missing it is a fake

If any of these is missing it is a fake

Security Features on Indian Banknotes
 Watermark: The Mahatma Gandhi Series of banknotes contains the Mahatma Gandhi watermark with a light and shade effect and multi-directional lines in the watermark window.
The Security thread: Rs.1000 notes were introduced in October 2000 and contain a readable, windowed security thread alternately visible on the obverse with the inscriptions ‘Bharat’ (in Hindi), ‘1000’ and ‘RBI’, but totally embedded on the reverse. The Rs.500 and Rs.100 notes have a security thread with similar visible features and inscription ‘Bharat’ (in Hindi), and ‘RBI’. When held against the light, the security thread on Rs.1000, Rs.500 and Rs.100 can be seen as one continuous line. The Rs.5, Rs.10, Rs.20 and Rs.50 notes contain a readable, fully embedded windowed security thread with the inscription ‘Bharat’ (in Hindi), and ‘RBI’. The security thread appears to the left of the Mahatma's portrait. Notes issued prior to the introduction of the Mahatma Gandhi Series have a plain, non-readable fully embedded security thread.
 Latent Image: On the obverse side of Rs.1000, Rs.500, Rs.100, Rs.50 and Rs.20 notes, a vertical band on the right side of the Mahatma Gandhi’s portrait contains a latent image showing the respective denominational value in numeral. The latent image is visible only when the note is held horizontally at eye level.
 Microlettering: This feature appears between the vertical band and Mahatma Gandhi portrait. It has the word ‘RBI’ in Rs.5 and Rs.10. The notes of Rs.20 and above also contain the denominational value of the notes in microletters. This feature can be seen better under a magnifying glass.
Intaglio Printing: The portrait of Mahatma Gandhi, the Reserve Bank seal, guarantee and promise clause, The Ashoka Pillar Emblem on the left, RBI Governor's signature are printed in intaglio i.e. in raised prints, which  can be felt by touch, in Rs.20, Rs.50, Rs.100, Rs.500 and Rs.1000 notes.
Identification mark: A special feature in intaglio has been introduced on the left of the watermark window on all notes except Rs.10/- note. This feature is in different shapes for various denominations (Rs. 20-Vertical Rectangle, Rs.50-Square, Rs.100-Triangle, Rs.500-Circle, Rs.1000-Diamond) and helps the visually impaired to identify the denomination.
 Fluorescence: Number panels of the notes are printed in fluorescent ink. The notes also have optical fibres. Both can be seen when the notes are exposed to ultra-violet lamp
Optically Variable Ink: This is a new security feature incorporated in the Rs.1000 and Rs.500 notes with a revised colour scheme.It was introduced in November 2000. The numeral 1000 and 500 on the obverse of Rs.1000 and Rs.500 notes respectively is printed in optically variable ink, a colour-shifting ink. The colour of the numeral 1000/500 appears green when the note is held flat but would change to blue when the note is held at an angle.
There is a See through Register:  The small floral design printed both on the front (hollow) and back (filled up) of the note in the middle of the vertical band next to the Watermark has an accurate back to back registration. The design will appear as one floral design when seen against the light.

Information courtesy